On a blustery fall day, gathered on the Field of Destiny were the following adventurers seeking an adventure.
The Dragon King is a dragonborn human who can perform shouts that deal damage. He has multiple separate shouts that deal multiple types of damage. One shout summons his ethereal dragonplate armor which allows him to completely absorb all magic without taking damage and avoid ranged weapon fire damage in general. The Dragon King takes an extra melee hit to kill when wearing his ethereal dragonplate armor. His weakness is his honor for he would rather fight and die a hero then run and die a coward. His honor also causes him to dispel his ethereal dragonplate armor at the end of a duel.
Layla the Knight Ninja has finally got her weaponry back. Vanessa Lockwood stole it in the beginning and then it was stolen from Vanessa Lockwood by one of the Doctor’s companions, but Layla has it now. Layla’s weakness and her strength is that she is half ninja and half knight, so she has the abilities of both, but she sometimes gets her movements confused.
Eden Space is an augmented human who has an explosive rifle that deals fire damage. Its bullets explode on impact, but it’s a small explosion. If it lands next to you, you’re dead. Eden Space does not have a sword, so he is weak in short-range combat, because if he shoots his gun at close range, then he will also die in the explosion. His gun sometimes fails to shoot its full range, but not so short as to endanger its Eden Space.
Kevin Tophat has a fire sword that is on fire all the time. He has magic armor, magic in his blood, and two spells. Fire Wave makes a wave of fire. Lava shark causes Kevin Tophat to drill into the ground for 5 seconds. If he’s not by you within 5 seconds, then he drills back up. Kevin Tophat is weak around ice for ice extinguishes his fire and his fire is his strength.
The Ancient Astronaut was the first to step on the moon, not that Armstrong dude. His name is Kriseasiest. His strength is his futuristic ancient weaponry which can make even the strongest of giants die. Even though he was the first one to walk on the moon, there were others, and he’s kind of been kicked out of the Ancient Rocketeers Association, probably because his technology was too advanced. He makes rockets made up of sound, for sound produces energy and that energy takes his rockets to the moon. He’s a human and can be killed by anything except for water.
The Thief for Hire will not reveal his name. (“Wait are you recording this?! You shall pay for your insolence!”) He has a Dagger of Venom which is always coated with a white layer of poison. He has a Gauntlet of Strength which makes him stronger. His species is unknown for he always keeps his hood up.

All should honor and emulate Cephalax Deathflame for he has arrived on the field of destiny fully prepared to tell you who he is. Be like Cephalax Deathflame! Cephalax Deathflame is a demon-titan hybrid. He is a mage specializing in forbidden magic. He has a fear of death and will do almost anything to avoid it. He also has the magical Flail of Death. All hail Cephalax Deathflame! And all follow his example!
Master Dominic Alcazar is a being from another plane of existence. All you need to know is that he has a very imposing magical presence. He can turn the ground you stand on into cheese and then into fondue and then suddenly it rains fiery frogs from the sky that breath acid. Can he be harmed? How would one make a god bleed? His hair is literally on fire with magic, while not actual physical fire, just magic that is billowing from his head. He has lived for many centuries on his own plane of existence. Everything here fascinates him. He even stopped at McDonald’s on his way here for a Strawberry Fanta. He mixes drinks because he wants to try them all. He’s confused about why people need to stop at different sections of road.
When Ana shoots a friendly teammate he heals them, but when he shoot an enemy, he deals damage. His bolt-action rifle shoots sleeping darts. if you’re hit with a sleeping darting, you fall asleep for six seconds. He can be killed or damaged by bullets and swords.
Also present has a mercenary-class Sniper. That is all.
Spider Jobs has the same abilities as usual except this time there is nothing that is completely different.
Also present was an unknown.
Election of the Storyteller
After a deadly duel with the Ancient Astronaut, with accusations of dishonor and multiple rematches, the Thief for Hire for elected as next week’s Storyteller.
Storyteller Dragon King speaks!
Heed me or you shall not go to Sovngarde, the realm of honorable dead!(The Scribe notes that you shall also not go to Søvengård, the terrace of fine dining.)
This is basically an escort mission. We have to get the Satchel safely delivered. Be careful with the Satchel! If you hit the Satchel, it explodes. If you drop the Satchel, it explodes. If you move faster than a walk while carrying the Satchel, it explodes. If you cause the Satchel to explode, you will have failed in your mission and died. If you kill the person carrying the Satchel, you must remove from the Satchel from the body carefully or it will explode — removing the Satchel so will take you 5 seconds. Each Satchel Bearer must have a team defending both the Satchel and the Bearer.
It is a good day to die … and be revived.
Two teams of adventurers formed, facing each other across the Field of Destiny. With one group was a Satchel of great importance. They had been entrusted with its safe delivery to the Masters of the Lifeblood Castle on the Mystical Isle, for which they would be richly rewarded. On the other side, there was another group who wanted the honor of delivering the Satchel and receiving the great rewards.
The group with the Satchel split into two parties. The first party’s mission was to go swiftly to the Lifeblood Castle. Once on the Mystical Isle, they split into another two parties with one to defend the Somber Footbridge, the only entrance to the Mystical Isle, and one to defend the Lifeblood Castle. They also “accidentally” made the opposing team think they had the Satchel (even though they were running). This caused that entire team to chase the first Satchel-less group for a while, which gave the brave adventurers with the Satchel enough time to cross the Field of Destiny. Once they arrived at Somber Footbridge to the Mystical Isle, they found the opposing team was already there, and so a great battle commenced. The Satchel changed hands many a time during this battle but somehow never exploded.
The team that had started with the Satchel, came out of this battle in control of it again and began to carefully walk the Satchel across the Somber Footbridge. They delivered it to the masters of the Lifeblood Castle and were richly rewarded with a night’s stay in the finest of rooms.
In the morning, the masters of the Lifeblood Castle called for the adventurers and told them that the Satchel needed to be returned to the Fairy Queen of the Field of Destiny. This time the adventurers split into to two groups and held a race to the Satchel to choose who would have the privilege of making this most honored delivery.
Unbeknownst to the other team, one team had sent people ahead to the Fields of Destiny and were using magical communication. Unfortunately, the race had not been set up correctly and so the masters of the Lifeblood Castle decided that none of the adventurers should get the privilege of carrying the Satchel and sent some of their servants to deliver it to the Fairy Queen.
Undeterred, the Adventurers descended upon the Faraway Leaf Inn where they enjoyed warm beverages, high spirits, and much mutual congratulations on a mission well accomplished.