Painting Dome and Work on Radar Eye — Terran Astromech Droid Assembly Works (TADAW)

May 16. Mom wonders if Mod Podge might fill in the remaining holes on the dome, so I agree to give that I try.

May 20. I decide to give the dome a first layer of paint to see what it looks like.

The single coat of paint (Rust-Oleum Metallic Aluminum) reveals all the remaining lumpiness of the dome! It’s also clear that the paint looks best where the gesso was not removed during sanding.

The radar eye is fully glued. I’m using foam board pieces to build up the detail on the sidebox.

May 22. I decided to use jonny5’s “Radar Eye Lens for FREE‚” except that 3 liter bottles are no longer made, so I’m going to try it with a 2 liter bottle. It took us a week to drink all the root beer, but now the bottle is empty, rinsed and ready to be cut!

And the radar eye looks really nice!