Radar Eye Lens — Terran Astromech Droid Assembly Works (TADAW)

Thanks for checking out my build! The dome may have its problems, but I am really happy with the radar eye so far.

Mom, Dad and I all went to work with HobbyLite Filler to fill as many of the holes on the dome as possible, then I sand it again and give it two fresh coats of gesso.

I’ve also used HobbyLite Filler to smooth the seams on the radar eye, and it’s time to attach the sidebox.

Tacky Glue is a recent discovery of mine. I like how it holds right away but also lets me reset if I need to. I’m still using lots of paperclips to keep the sidebox square and in place until it’s fully dry.

Then it’s time to cut out that lens!

First step on cutting out the radar eye! A quick test fit suggest that the 2 liter’s curve will work.

Cutting out the lens itself is a bit harder.

Testing the fit of the lens

It looks good on the dome!

Dad throws a sheet of black paper behind the lens, and TADAW! It’s a radar eye!

Final sand of the dome. I hope.

May 23. The dome gets a fresh coat of Metallic Aluminum Rust-Oleum.

And the radar eye gets its first coat of metallic blue.

My mom always calls it a laser eye.