Ace called for 4 volunteers to assume the roles of Non-Player Characters (NPC):
1. The Field of Destiny’s Champion of Battle (SpiderJobs)
2. Phoenix Chaser, the swiftest warrior of Lifeblood Castle on the Mystical Isle (Doctor Scientist)
3. The Footloose Wizard of Vagabond Nest (Fairyboy)
4. The Ghost of Gardener Oakbeard of the Dire Garden (Ivan Exarch)
When not at their NPC’s base location, those playing NPCs played as their regular characters.
Ace then spoke, saying “The LARP will start on the Field of Destiny. We are seeking to gather covert intelligence on Lord Maul’s troop movements and we have heard that the Field of Destiny’s Champion of Battle holds the information we need. Joining the Champion of Battle on the Field of Destiny is the Army of Fifty Percent.”
The Army of Fifty Percent, consists of the other Non-Player Characters, but playing as warriors of the army not as their characters.
The Champion of Battle then spoke to the heroes, saying, “I am the Field of Destiny’s Champion of Battle. You must defeat me and my Army of Fifty Percent if you wish to receive any information from me. I count the number of challengers to be 16. Each member of my army can revive 4 times. Once you have defeated us all, I will consider telling you what I know, if I judge you to be brave and valiant warriors.”
As it turned out, the sixteen warriors were exceptionally brave and valiant. After much shouting and disagreement and misunderstanding and misdirection, the heroes got into formation with shields in front, swords behind, and Ace standing at the front to lead the charge. The heroes charged and quickly defeated the Champion of Battle and the Army of Fifty Percent handily and easily. Too easily. It seemed that half of the Army of Fifty Percent wasn’t really conscious to begin with. Bodies soon lay strewn about the Field of Destiny, not all of them dead.
A once-again revived Champion of Battle said, “Well done, brave warriors. The information you seek is known by Phoenix Chaser, the swiftest warrior of Lifeblood Castle. I will give you this map that shall guide you to Phoenix Chaser’s stronghold. I wish you courage and luck.”

The map was taken and read by the Unnamed. The heroes quickly set off, still in formation, toward the Mystical Isle. Once they arrived there, Doctor Scientist morphed into Phoenix Chaser. After some initial confusion and surprise, the heroes called upon Phoenix Chaser to reveal the vital information he knew about Lord Maul’s troop movements.
Phoenix Chaser said to the heroes, “I am Phoenix Chaser, the swiftest warrior of Lifeblood Castle. If you wish to know all that I know, you must prove yourself to me. What I value most in a warrior is fleetness of foot. You must defeat me in a race from Eastern Shore to the West Point of the Mystical Isle to prove you are worthy of gaining knowledge. Once you have defeated me, I will consider telling you what I know if I judge you to be swift and nimble warriors.”
The heroes gathered at the Eastern Shore, and Phoenix Chaser took the lead, then lost it to Ace, and then regained it — but only because Ace tripped. Having won the race, Phoenix Chaser offered a re-match from the West Point back to the Eastern Shore, gloatingly saying, “I will you give you heroes a two-second head start.” This proved a grievous error on Phoenix Chaser’s part as the heroes took advantage of that two-second lead. Ace arrived back at the Eastern Shore first, followed by Phoenix Chaser with Creepy Bird on his heel.
Phoenix Chaser accepted his defeat graciously saying, “Well done, swift warriors, the information you seek is known by the Footloose Wizard of Vagabond Nest. I will give you this map that shall guide you to the Wizard’s stronghold. I wish you fleetness of foot and luck.”

Lord Firestorm took the map and read it. He then led the heroes off the Mystical Isle, across the Somber Footbridge, up the Circling Path to the Vagabond Nest. Upon approaching the Vagabond Nest, the Footloose Wizard appeared and cried, “You shall not pass until you have answered my riddle.”
Some heroes taunted the Footloose Wizard and tried to pass, but the Footloose Wizard cast a spell on them forcing them back and causing them to be unable to speak or answer the riddle. The Footloose Wizard then spoke to the heroes, saying, “I am the Footloose Wizard of Vagabond Nest. If you seek knowledge, you must prove you are worthy of knowing. You must tell me the answer to my riddle.
“I breathe and things get hot,
Though my heart is light as wind,
The swordsman knows me not,
though I helped to make his friend,
I cannot do my job alone,
Though others make me sigh,
By their strength my job is done,
So tell me, what am I?
“Once you have proved your nimbleness of mind, I will consider telling you what I know if I judge you to be wise and clever warriors.”
As soon as the riddle was finished, one of the heroes shouted out an answer. And was wrong. Another four answers followed quickly. They were also incorrect. Finally one of the warriors shouted out the true answer, which neither Ace nor the Scribe shall not reveal as they do not wish to be cursed by the Footloose Wizard.
The Footloose Wizard then spoke to the heroes, saying, “Well done, wise warriors. The information you seek is known by the Gardener Oakbeard of the Dire Garden. I will give you this map that shall guide you to the Garden. I wish you wisdom, cleverness and luck.”

Gorn took the map and read it. He then led the group over the Circling Path to Werewolf Way and up the hill to the Dire Garden. There the heroes found not Gardener Oakbeard but his ghost! Gardener Oakbeard’s body lay slumped upon his garden bench with a great axe sliced through his neck and his spirit rose from it, saying, “ooooooooooooo … woe is me … woe is me … I was gathering the white nuggets of Dragon Nutmeg, the Spice of Knowledge, when I was waylaid from behind. The cowardly thieves took my basket of Dragon Nutmeg, but I was able to smite them with my dying breath. The basket of Dragon Nutmeg has failed somewhere within the Weeds of Wisdom. If you wish to know Lord Maul’s plany, you must find my basket of Dragon Nutmeg first. But beware, I have cursed the Dragon Nutmeg, so if you eat it, you will die a most painful death. My basket is made of unbreakable foggy glass and is the size of a small cantaloupe.”
The search was rather quick for a hunt for such a small container is such a large area. Ace found it amongst the tall grasses behind the garden beds of phoenix strawberries, which naturally drew his attention. Many heroes upon seeing the white nuggets clamored for a taste, heedless of the ghost’s warning. Thankfully, their fellows prevented them from eating the poisoned spice.
The Ghost of Gardener Oakbeard now spoke to the heroes, saying, “Well done, eagle-eyed warriors. Lord Maul’s troops have gathered at the Field of Destiny! I will give you this map that shall guide you to your final battle. I wish you foresight and luck.”

The heroes took the map and read it, surprised to find that it lead them back to the Field of Destiny. They raced down Warhorse Run, past the Iron Stables, past the Faraway Leaf Inn and arrived at the Field of Destiny where they were confronted by Lord Maul’s minion, possessed by Lord Maul himself! He spoke, “I have cursed you all so that where you should see friends, you will see only enemies! I will march upon your realm as you fight each other to the death.”
The adventurers then set upon each other, seeing only bitter enemies and no friends in an all-against-all melee battle. Q-Tip and Ace met in the field of battle, both giant heroes traded blows, shaking the earth for miles around. Lord Firestorm smacked Schmupai the Fire Mage in the rear which really annoyed Schmupai the Fire Mage who then set fire to the Field of Destiny, destroying all and bringing the battle to an end. Upon revival, the heroes found they were no longer under the power of Lord Maul’s curse. Lord Maul, sensing this reversal in the magical forces of the realm, called upon his troops to retreat, deciding to try again at a later point as the heroes rallied and set up defenses.
Finding the threat removed, the heroes headed for the Faraway Leaf Inn for warm beverages and good conversation.
Note: The Scribe failed to record the names of the valiant warriors present for this grand adventure, and thus they have been given the names of those known from the past. Corrections welcome.